
Mouton Rothschild is big in China

Mouton must be one of the most well known wine in the world and I guess that everybody that knows something about wine knows or have heard of Mouton.

This is pretty amazing that so many people know about it but very few have actually tasted them, and specially not a selection of vintages at the same time, this really show the greatness in this wine and the possibilities of saving them for many years.

The prices of these wines and other like it is truly insane and you sure have to dig deep in your pocket to by one bottle, the wine is extremely big in China slightly after Lafite that the Chinese holds even higher, this is very strange when they learn to drink these wines blended with COKE is this the right way of learning to appreciate great wines or is this just for show off? Anyway it’s crazy.

Dragan Unic



Does the world need another whiskey? If so why not from Sweden, If the Japanese can do it so can the Swedes with the Macmyra brand.

First of all I have to confess that I am not a big whisky drinker and I do not enjoy it as much as Cognac and aged Rum but I have the great pleasure to visit the new distillery outside the city of Gävle where they are building a whole new “City” that will be the whisky Mecca in Sweden, everything is brand new and the first batch is planned in end of November

This new site of the company will be something special and the new aging cellars (there will be 20) are magnificent and totally incorporated in the forest like old war bunkers.

The idea to sell whisky before it is made and the store it is great marketing and people who owns barrels love to visit and to cuddle with the casks. People do fancy different things ( I prefer to cuddle with my wife)

Macmyra whiskey is different and not at all in my style but I do like the not aged white spirit called White Dog, that I can sipp but I do recommend you to taste this whiskey and find out that the Swedes know how to make it.



Restaurang galan 2011

Nu är festen om det bästa i restaurang Sverige slut för denna gång och jag ser fram mot 2012 med stor tillförsikt och är tacksam för att jag fått en chans att vara på plats.

Alltid lika kul att träffa folk som man kanske inte ser så ofta och definitivt inte i finkläder utan oftast i kockrock eller dylikt,

Det delades givetvis ut en massa priser i olika kategorier där vissa vinnare verkade veta att dom skulle vinna men några var riktigt rörda över uppmärksamheten som tex Björn Halling som fick Svenska kockars förenings hederspris för långvarigt mentorskap i Svenska kök, vilken kille och legend, man blir stolt och glad att få ge honom detta välförtjänta pris.

Min personliga favorit var även den 24 årige sommelieren Niklas Löfgren som till vardags jobbar på Frantzen/Lindeberg i Stockholm, coolt att en så pass ung kille får detta för att visa att vi har en framtid tryggad.

Maten är alltid ett kapitel för sig där delar av det Svenska senior kocklandslaget ansvarade för maten ihop med personalen på Grand Hotell, en riktig bra och väl genomförd middag för 450 personer, well done amigos.

Här kommer en lista på samtliga vinnare och lite bilder på middagen.

Årets Servitör

    Ludvig Jureskog, Operakällaren, Stockholm  

Årets Hälsokoncept

    Raw Food House, Malmö

Journalisternas Kock

    Tommy Myllymäki


Årets Framtidslöfte

    Filip Fastén, 21 år, Le Rouge, Stockholm

Årets Smaksättare

    Saiko, Malmö

Årets Barkoncept

    Little Quarter, Marie Laveau, Stockholm

Årets Sommelier

    Niklas Löfgren, Frantzén/Lindeberg, Stockholm

Årets Krogmiljö

    Restaurang AG, Stockholm

Årets Hållbara Krog

    Matmekka, Stockholm

Årets Leverantör

    Martin Olsson

Årets Förnyare

    Urban Deli, Stockholm

Årets matsalsteam

    Operakällaren, Stockholm

Årets Krögare

    Håkan & Anne Thörnström, Thörnströms Kök, Göteborg

RS Hederspris

    Björn Halling

Årets Krog   

    Thörnströms Kök, Göteborg


Supporting children with cancer

This weekend me and my fellow chefs from the Swedish chefs association in Skåne are doing a food fair in Malmö Sweden to raise money for the children’s hospital for cancer, this is much needed and we all love kids.

I would like to thank all the participating chefs during this weekend and I wish that I could support you more guys.

 Thank you all sponsors for your support we could not make it without you

Dragan Unic

President of the Swedish chefs association Skåne