MasterChef? why, who, when?

 Master Chef, what a title to reflect on, what does it mean and who is it for? I get this question all the time and I always thing thru my answer very carefully depending on who is asking, a armature or a young student or a young aspiring chef or a senior cook or a very senior and experienced chef, so here is my 5 sec.

Master chef the tv show have nothing, NOTHING to do with real live Kitchen production and the contestants are for sure very good home cooks and the food is most of the time delicious but to be a chef in a professional environment are something very different and you need to have

1. Its a passion not a hobby

2. consistency

3. endurance, mental and physical 

4. strong and crazy mindset 

5. focus out of control

6. live the life of a chef

7. say goodbye to your social normal life

8. To search for the culinary holy grail

9. Know your craft and how to execute

10. follow instruction 

This points have nothing to do with whatever TV show you are watching, but unfortunately the contenders thinks that they all have what it takes and also the public is making the the hero they in my eyes are not, Its just a great and entertaining tv show that people like to watch, nothing wrong with that.

Professional Master Chefs associations exist and are in my opinion not worth anything because if you can afford to pay for example Master chef society 350 Pound you will receive Jacket w logo and some other things I see people around the world paying for this  crap and believe that this will prove something, I have friends who actually paid for this but this have never crossed my mind. Below is some associations that I refuse to pay for.

So how would I define a master chef? 

a culinarian with extensive knowledge of diverse cuisines and a strong background in classical French cuisine who is spending his life learning and searching, also a person who shares his knowledge with other chefs on all levels and mentor younger generation to make them better and progressive.

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