
2013 Bocuse d`Or is over for now

The 2013 Bocuse d`Or is now over and the result is as follow. 1 France 2 Danmark 3 japan 4 Great Brittan 5 Norway 6 Sweden Three Nordic countrys in the top six show again where the focus in the foodworld are.   This has been intense period of training before the competition and I know for sure that some of the contestants felt relief that this is finally over. I wish that more of the unknown countries get a chance to shine here like, Guatemala , Brazil , Morocco and others that people do not talk about, that would boost the competition. The European semi-finals will be held in Stockholm in 2014 and we all in the industry are looking forward to this event.   Over & out from France

1500 wines to taste, great treat

First day of Sud du France forum international d`affaires and the Millesime Bio Fair is ended with some more than 1500 wines from the Languedoc-Roussillon region and let me tell you straight away that I did not try them all, but a few hundreds I did for sure, will get my notes together some day and let you know. Invited for these days of tastings are 210 people from around the world invited to learn more of the region and the wines from here, we will have three more full days of tastings even more wines. This region is known for simple but good wines in lower/mid range with many everyday drinking wines ( if you are French) but I was very surprised to find some exciting products that can hit the market big time. I have scheduled meeting with 20 producers on Wednesday to know more about them and to try some more wines in their range, I look forward to this with great pleasure. My favourite from the region is as always the fortified sweet wines from Banyuls and Rivesaltes

Local Competition

This is a small presentation about localy produced products competition.

Thank you all so very much

I would like to thank you all 27 000 page visitors for following me on this blog, You all make me so proud and please keep on shearing with friends and family. 2013 will be a great year for us all :-)   Your humble servant//D