La Dolce Vita history that created magic

 La Dolce Vita, the word is beautiful and full of excitement, lust and happiness, this 1960 famous film by Fellini staring the Swedish model Anita Ekberg and the Italian stallion Marcello Mastroianni is memorized by her bath in Fontana di Trevi, cheesy film but fun to watch but even more interesting for me is that my first restaurant was La Dolce Vita in Helsingborg Sweden after I came home from my adventure in the US, how I became the owner of this Italian establishment will be another story but let me tell you that the 3 years I had this place formed me as a chef and a culinarian in a way that forever live with me.

the photo of the actual original movie poster showed here) are still in my possession well kept and cherished, who knows maybe there will be another La Dolce Vita restaurant somewhere in the world.


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