RIP one of the great chefs

 Michel Guerard a true legend passed today and may he rest in piece with Escoffier, Bocuse, Alain Chapel and the rest of the big boys.

I hade the fortune to spend some days with Michel at his place and now the famous Spa's in France Eugenie-les-Bains during my culinary travels in early 90,s he was a true gentlemen and took time for me and my visit there to explain his gastronomic journey and the Nouvelle cuisine that he was a crucial part of to establish in the early 80, s when I started my career and I was absolutely absorbed by the way this French chefs was treating the food and ingredients in a new and fun way to preserve the flavor of the actual ingredient, a new era was developing and still today we all pay attention to what happened then.

The new Nordic cuisine was a creation and a form after this idea and still many people see the Nordic as a start of something new.

Le Grande chef 



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