Taking care of your investment

 As a chef I feel pride in taking very good care of my personal equipment (also others) like knifes, pots and pans even in my home in Sweden or Cairo, I try to keep the same procedures to clean, sharp and maintain my tool box, I payed so much money for my things that it becomes ridiculous at this point but as a chef I love new things !! shiny and sharp >-) 

Its interesting how many times I walk in kitchens and see great quality pans neglected and not cleaned properly, it gives my shivers and also tells me that the management does not care about what they serve or customer care, it all starts in the back of house, If you really want to try the level of restaurant make a visit to the bathrooms, this will tell you al lot about the establishment, only clever owners put attenti0ns to details, here in Cairo I visit many so called fancy restaurants with absolutely no attentions to details, they spend a fortune to look fancy and they dont understand what really makes people coming back, the gold and glitter is not the only thing I promise, here is a photo from my cleaning session at home, 

also a easy cleaning solution, put 1  tsp salt and drop 1 tsp lemon juice or vinegar on top and spread around polishing gently with your fingers and miracle will happen, rinse well and dry off with a cloth to avoid water stains.

If you keep them cleaned they will last you a lifetime and used by future generations 


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