Airline food part 2

 I need to add more to the complexity of airline catering on my previous post, to satisfy customers and clients is always a challenge especially if person don't understand how taste and aroma is affected when you fly on different types of aircrafts, what happen is that your taste buds dries out and so does your nostrils whish ultimately change your perception off taste, what taste good on the ground changes after a few hours in the air, little bit depending, for me I know that my taste changes on flights more than 5 hours.

older aircrafts change more and quicker that new aircrafts due to the differences in cabin pressure, modern less, older more as a simple rule and that makes the food even more difficult to cook, remember that as now in my current unit we do roughly 15 000 meals per day and its impossible to create food as for every individual passenger "you" some like it hot and spicy, some less salty, some more sweet and then put religious, cultural perspective on top and you can maybe try to understand the complexity that adds on top, so yes again, food is not only food, its a sense of feeling, taste, smell, texture and we all have different opinion on this.

In my unit we cook fresh always, some other global caterers load frozen food from large factory's for economy class and that to guarantee same same on every flight which is cool for me, I would do the same if I was the owner, cheaper and more standardized, great and no need to worry.

Covid changes a lot in the industry who try to recover financially and many big airlines started to act as budget airlines but now is going back to quality after the last 2 years of super comeback and thank god we are on the right track to give flying passengers well deserved food on board, so please fasten your seat belts and enjoy the service.


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