Pinot noir in concert

I’m trying to get to know pinot noir wines from around the known wineworld to find some that suites and challenge my taste buds to the max.

In recent years there have been some of the best pinots and also some of the less worthy wines in my glass that have shown me how diverse this grape can be all depending of the climate but mostly of the producers ambition of producing the best he can in god and bad vintages. Chile has a lot of job left before we can se some great pinots made there, Germany make some fabulous wines on this grape variety and so are Austria who can challenge them for the money and not least California who have been doing great pinots for many years.

I just cant write about pinot without mentioning Burgundy and all that stands for this grape, I’m so pleased that the BIVB send me an invitation to visit them and to take part of the educational seminars in 2012, I’m truly looking forward to this and to learn more about its wines and to discover some of the secrets that I now don’t understand.

The biggest surprise are actually the pinots from South Africa that I tasted on my last visit there and the most astonish wine are made by Danie De Wet and his 2009 Pinot Noir Nature in Concert, what a wine!


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