
The DUÅ boys

Per & Lars Åkerlund that run the great little food shop in Umeå (north Sweden) are doing great things to educate the people in town what good food is all about.

I was again invited to do some tastings for two nights last week where I showed up some of our good cheeses and charcuteries matched with some of my wines, I love to visit these guys that are so full of food energy and to hear from all of they travelling around the world all in the quest for food. Great to be back guys


The new Swedish National culinary senior team

There is a new era and transformation here when it comes to the Swedish national culinary team, when you consider the achievements made by the previous team one can understand the pressure on this all new senior team.

Sweden as a nation that will always rock the culinary scene and the new guys will definitely keep up the good reputation of Swedish gastronomy.

For the first time we also manage to have 3 female chefs on board and that is another way of do things in a modern world.(I am for an all female team as well)

All you teams out there, you are warned.


Monocular Gastronomy in Serbia is tha thing

Monocular gastronomy is for many people a strange word and something that they do not rely to on a daily basis but many chefs know about it and many are also curios of the effect that they can provide to the food.

Me and my compadre Douglas did just that by packing our bags with some kilos of white powder (I wonder what would happened if the custom checked our bags!) and travelled to Serbia’s capital Belgrade to execute some days of magic with native chefs.

This is a true fantastic experience just realising how people react when they se things for the first time, I am spoiled in this matter being able so work with this for many years.

Chefs is Serbia are improving in fast pace and we are trying to help them even more by doing this kind of master classes, great way of bonding with fellow chefs.

Thanks to METRO they have a state of the art training centre that I am very jealous of (we have nothing like this in Sweden) and this will bring great success to the culinary market in the Balkan region.

Thanks guys for taking so good care of us and thanks to Slobodan Zoric for the pictures.



12x8 = 2:a gången gillt av Christina Unic

 Un voyage gastronomique Mars 23, 2013

Som passiv food AND wine junkie har jag varit en passionerad medresenär till min make under flera år. Numer befinner sig min man till stora delen på andra sidan köket och tar endast del av det färdiga resultatet på antingnen en restaurang eller vid en tävlingsarena någonstans i världen. Dragans växande behov och önskan av att få laga mat under press igen har tilltagit och efter en del funderade föddes följdaktligen idén: 12x8.

12x8 innebär egentligen att vi bjuder in, och vid varje tillfälle får 12 personer plats runt bordet (först till kvarn tillämpas). Under kvällen bjuds dessa gäster på 8 rätter. Lördagen den 23 mars genomfördes den andra kvällen. Dragan är vid rodret i vårt allt för lilla kök och skapar magi på det som känns minuter och sekunder. Jag försöker enligt alla novisers rädsla ha kontroll på gästerna ute i vår “matsal”. Runt bordet sitter 12 personer som egentligen inte känner varandra särskilt mycket, men lämnar bordet i slutet på kvällen med många nya bekantskaper. Jag vill inte här avslöja för mycket av menyerna om det är så att du skulle vilja bli vår nästa gäst utan låter några bilder visa lite av underhållningen från denna kväll.

Jag hoppas och tror att vi med små “babysteps” snart kan lyckas att sätta Viken på Skånes gourmetkarta.
Hjärtligt tack till alla som deltagit tills nu och you rock darling!