
Arthur Metz Grand Cru Wines

Alsace is a magical wine spot in Europe where you still can find the genuine and traditional food, wine and not to mention the very odd language that some of the older people still speak, great place to visit.

On my last tour there I was invited to a special tasting in the Arthur Metz  fantastic shop and tasting room with the sommelier in the house.

My knowledge of the wines from here are just some of the bottling that exist on the Swedish market and the is not a lot.

The reason for this visit was to try all of the grand cru wines that they obviously produce without my knowledge,

The grand cru wines was all of very good quality and very reasonably priced and great value for money so try them out on your next visit.

Thanks Frank for a great tasting.


Тотална носталгија

Кувар писан срцем заснован је на сећањима насталим око сеоске трпезе у селу Бајинци у Републици Српској. Јован Радомир је, попут многих из расејања, лета проводио код бабе и деде, а мириси тог сеоског стола и сећања на родни крај у основи су новог гастономског водича кроз Балкан, који је објављен у Шведској.Јован Радомир, шведски новинар и водитељ, написао је и објавио водич - кувар под именом "Укус хране на Балкану" у којем осим рецепата најпознатијих балканских јела има и елемената обичаја и традиције српског народа.
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"Водич "Укус хране на Балкану" разликује се од других по томе што има духовитих прича, мојих личних запажања, мојих путовања кроз Србију и кроз Републику Српску, кроз моје крајеве", изјавио је Јован Радомир.
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Овај "духовити путопис на српски начин" илуструју фотографије два аутора Бојана Станића из Београда и Ивана да Силве из Стокхолма. Највећи део фотографија је настао у Бајинцима, родном селу мајке Јована Радомира у којем је путописац, као дете, проводио летње распусте.
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Данас су успомене преточене у причу о природној, еколошки чистој храни, укусној и мирисној, оној храни која враћа мисли у родни крај. Јован Радомир истиче да се сви са простора бивше СФРЈ могу пронаћи на страницама водича, јер како каже "сви у дијаспори имају исту причу као ја".
Та прича почиње плановима у расејању за летовање у домовини, наставља се путовањем преко читаве Европе и завршава "у дворишту бабе и деде, срдачним загрљајем", објаснио је аутор овог емотивног водича, додајући да је кувар у дијаспори већ окарактерисан као тотална носталгија.

Black Marble Hill Syrah

In 1797, over a hundred years after the first Europeans began to settle in the Paarl area, Petrus van der Merwe built his home on the farm Rhebokskloof. The building has since been restored to its original Cape Dutch splendour and the distinctive gable still bears his initials, as well as those of his wife.

Between the First and Second World Wars, the area known as Rhebokskloof was divided into six separate farms. In 1986 the farm was returned to its original size when new owners took ownership of one of the six farms, and subsequently bought back the other five pieces of land. In 2006 Rhebokskloof was sold once again, but this time to a group of South African businesspeople, who have since been restoring the farm to its former beauty.

Rhebokskloof’s flagship wine, Black Marble Hill Syrah 2008, won gold in the Syrah du Monde competition in France. And are voted among the best syrah wines in South Africa.

The wine have dark plum aromas, aromatic spice and black pepper nuances from the barrel aging, this wine confidently reflects bold and generous Shiraz styling. Smooth-textured and with juicy palate appeal, it can be enjoyed now or aged for a further few years.

This wine can be bought in Sweden by Gastro Import wine selections (me)


How much are you willing to pay for a bottle of wine?

How can you explain the cost of a bottle of wine? What does it takes to produce a bottle for
1000 € to a bottle of 6 €

I always get this kind of questions on every of my many tastings from ordinary wine drinkers who try to understand this issue.

You can always talk about quality, cost of grapes, marketing and many other things but when it comes to what’s inside the bottle then it starts to be difficult due to that is the only thing that matter, right? Does the wine taste good or not is the key.

A very clever friend of mine that knows things way above my head about wine and wine production told me that there is no wine in the world that can cost more than 50 € to produce no matter from where, that fore sure put different perspective when you see wines that cost 400 € and more on realise, those producers laugh all the way to the bank.

 In vino veritas