
WACS culinary certification in Sweden

I am very happy to announce that many culinary schools are interested in the new WACS educational and certification program and that they se this recognition as a good standout when it comes to recruit new students. The WACS educational comities have done a wonderful job and I am proud to be a part of this. The pictures are from Värnhemskolan in Malmö with all the teachers present on my presentation. Thanks for inviting me

Le Cordon Bleu

I would like to thank all my chef c olle agues and friends but also the Swedish chef association for honour me with the highest culinary award in Sweden the Cordon Bleu. To receive this makes me humble and it give me more energy to put in for greater culinary achievements in the future. Thanks guys

Dragan For the next Next Continental Director Europe North

On the next WACS (world association of chef’s societies) congress next year in Stavanger Norway the Swedish chef association are standing behind my candidacy as the next continental director Europe north. I would like to thank the Nordic countries for their support and votes for this as well. I am very proud and honoured for this and the big trust that they have in me.   The job will be a true challenge due to fact that many countries in the north have a lack of communications with each other and I see this as a start for me to work with. We have all so much knowledge and extensive knowhow up here that we have to exchange with each other in order to bring our countries and association to the next level in the world and to be in the forefront as WACS members. You will be following my progress here and also on my FB site dragan for WACS. please join me and share with frends. I look forward to this challenge with great enthusiasm.   //D  The...

Vad är det jag kandiderar till ??!!

Många har frågat och undrar vad det är som jag ska kandidera till därför försöker jag på ett enkelt sätt förklara hur det ligget till och varför. Först av allt så är WACS world association of chefs societies en världsomspännande nätverk med 90 tal medlemsländer och som drivs av presidenten Gissur Gudmundson från Island där han till sin hjälp av en styrelse. Denna styrelse består bland annat av sju stycken Continental directors som var och en ansvarar för sin del i världen, Europa som har flest länder med är uppdelat i tre delar där jag vill ansvara för den norra delen med idag 15 länder. Svenska kockars förening samt dom Nordiska länderna har givit mig chansen och supporten att söka detta vilket jag är oerhört glad och stolt över för att dom visar ett stort förtroende för mig till denna post. Nu gäller det att samla 15 röster till valet som sker i Stavanger denna tid i nästa år. Jag hoppas att detta ska förklara lite vad det handlar om och jag svarar gärna på frågo...


The Swedish and Nordic congress is over after a whole week of competitions, food and great friends. For the first time the WACS Global chef, Hans Bueschkens junior, Nordic chef of the year senior 6 junior and also Global pastry chef where hold in the Nordic, great success and now we are aiming to hold this again in 20015 but this time in Denmark. BIG CONGRATS TO ALL THE COMPEDITORS. The world congress will be in Stavanger Norway next year at this time and we are all looking forward to the land of the Vikings. Enjoy some pictures from the competitions that shows why the Nordic is top in the world.    

WACS meeting in Italy

Visiting Venice is always fantastic and especially with people that you care about, the European WACS meeting last week was amazing and the Italian hospitality was at its best. The food in Italy can be very mediocre and not exiting at all but this time the hosting chefs put a lot of effort on the food and we where very happy and stuffed like pigs all the time, even Bianca eat very good and enjoyed herself in company of friends. This kind of meetings are important for driving the culinary world in right directions and it is improving all the time, I am very optimistic of the future and all the young chefs out there thanks to WACS. Visit the website of to learn more and see you all in Gothenburg in two weeks for the Swedish and Nordic congress and all the culinary competitions that will be going on there.   Cheers//

The nicest place in Göteborg DORSIA

One of the coolest restaurants and Hotels in Gothenburg is named DORSIA a fantastic venue created by Thomas Petersen and staff, I love this place due to that I love the burlesque interior. This is the best place to stay wile visiting this town or just pop in for some champagne or tea, or why not both, please check in the website Wine service and the seller is on the really high scale with every wine that you can desire and the Sommeliers will gladly show you the cellar. Do enjoy the trip straight out of Moulin Rouge extra everything and the bathrooms are to die for.