EAT Stockholm

EAT is a two-day high-level forum that will spearhead a holistic approach to today’s food related challenges.
Population growth, climate change, human health, resource and ecosystem management, sustainability and food security are independent, yet closely interacting fields of science and research.

Worldchefs is organizing, in collaboration with the EAT foundation, a Global Culinary Award that recognizes restaurants for innovation and leadership within the domain of healthy diet and sustainability.

The criteria for the EAT Global Culinary Award are based on Worldchefs sustainable restaurant guiding principles to make a positive change and EAT foundation Menus of Change principles.

The EAT Food Forum will unite 650 opinion leaders and sustainability experts including ex-president of USA Mr. Bill Clinton.

They are also exciting business opportunities and important political issues.
By creating an informal forum, which encourages dialogue and discourse, EAT will bring together leading scientists, policymakers and business professionals for the express purpose of advancing integrated solutions for humanity.
Visit: Eat Forum website.

The award will be announced at the EAT Food Forum to be held in Stockholm on Monday 26-27 May 2014.


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