
Showing posts from November, 2012

Jaboulet visit

  To visit great producers are always nice and one of the great things in life when you travel in wine country’s. To visit the Rhone valley without visiting the Casa Jaboulet and the talented winemaker Caroline Frey it a true treat, but when you arrive to the tasting room and meet the unfriendly attendants you make it easy for the, I just walked out and I will not return. All of the wines are great vallue for money and you can find them at bolaget in Sweden. Caroline Fray you make great wine but you have to train your staff.          

Dolina vino från Serbien med egen identitet

Att prova vin som är rena fat prover kan ibland vara svårt då dessa viner oftast är knutna och visar långt ifrån sin bästa sida. Jag fick ett fat prov direkt tappat på flaska så att jag skulle kunna testa den senaste årgången 2010 som ligger kvar i Dolinas källare. Dolina Barrique som produceras av Bacina vino i Varvarin Serbien har jag skrivit om tidigare och alltid tyckt att vinet visar en trevlig familjär tillgänglighet utan en massa krångel. 2010 är ett väldigt öppet mörkt rubinrött vin med strålande doft av mogen röd frukt med inslag av rökig stekt bacon och örter. Smaken är torr och medelfyllig med tydlig omognad och vissa gröna stjälk toner, mörka körsbär samsas med mogna plommon och fint balanserad fat ton, balanserade mjuka tanniner och frisk syra gör vinet drickbart redan idag. Eftersmaken är medellång och har en mjuk fruktighet som ligger kvar. Jag tycker att Alec, Anders och dom andra gör ett bra vin redan nu efter endast några få årgångar och vinerna ...

Some pictures from the last blogger

     Me And Patrik having a food and wine pairing session

Hemma Gastronomi i Luleå

Luleå, the small town far up north of Sweden have some great nature just around the corner, people hunt, fish and enjoy the magic sceneries every day of the year, Sweden at its best. The thing that moved me personally was the small delicatessen shop and food studio HEMMA GASTRONOMI owned by Simon Laiti and his wife Emma, these guys are doing something that is not possible any where else on the same level, there are just one word for this, Fantastic and all of you who want to know what Swedish cuisine and food is all about have to do a visit. Thanks to Simon with staff for some great days.   Hope to see you soon again

The Great Tauleto Wine

Let me tell you out there one thing, a funnier guy than Riccardo Cesari is hard to find! I hade the pleasure of having him in Sweden for a few days this week and we hade so much fun together, my c olle ague Patrik is still smiling J The purpose of the visit was of course to introduce his wines for some customers and we also manage to mage a wine dinner at Nytorget Urban Deli with great success and many pleased customers, well done everybody involved, but also for some staff training. Lets speak about Tauleto for a short wile, this 90% sangiovese grosso and 10% Bursona Longanesi wine is in my opinion kicking some mega superstar Italian ass any day. The wine is made by very long maceration in Slovenian oak and aged for 24 months in oak from American, Troncais and Allier and at least 6 months in bottle. The colour is ink black with a fantastic nose of dark cherry, chocolate, eucalyptus and spices with a fine lingering taste and complex aromas and the aftertaste goes on f...

Confraria del Cava member

To be the first Swede who are honoured with the membership of Confraria del Cava Sant Sadurni d`Anoia is fantastic and truly an experience. Some great days of cava tasting and the magnificent gala dinner in the confraria house with fabulous people and the queen of Cava was just great, what a night! I would like to thank all the people involved regarding my invitation and to all nice and friendly people taking care of all the logistic and especially to Montse, her sister and father at Hotel Fonda Neus . I will treasure this forever.   Regards Dragan


Sitting in the beautiful and lush gardens of the Torello family estate just outside Sant Sadurni d`Anoia and drinking one of the best cava is an amazing and gratifying. Toni de La Rosa Torello invited me to his house for some tasting of the cava that his family makes and I could not resist this invitation for sure. The cava he makes are some of the best that I have tasted on my trip here some week ago, when I met Toni on the gala dinner held by the confraria. I have the pleasure to meet the whole family with Toni’s sweet dad Francisco, his mother, darling wife and his kids, I felt extremely welcome to the house like an old friend, I love that feeling J The Torello families have lived on the same ground for 22 generations now and that is truly historic and when you look around the property you can understand why they stayed, its absolutely beautiful here and very relaxing. (They have a street named after them in the town) There are many things to say about the tradit...

Barolo Flori

Att ett kooperativ kan göra bra vin är detta ett lysande exempel på, 300 odlare som gemensamt jobbar mot att odla dom bästa druvor som man kan på sina gemensamma 900 hektar. Claudio Manera är vinmakare och även VD för företaget Araldica och investerar massor i vingårdarna för att kunna producera prisvärda viner med tydligt ursprung. Druvorna 100% Nebbiolo till just detta vin (man gör en hel del olika) kommer till från vingårdarna runt La Morra och Grinzane i hjärtat av Barolo där druvorna skördas för hand och lagras i 24 månader på stora fat och därefter ytterligare 12 månader på flaska. Detta kooperativ har gjort stor framgång internationellt för sina välgjorda och prisvärda viner.   Barolo Flori 2007 Nr SB    70401 179 kr   Är ett rött vin med orange mognadston med härliga toner av mogna röda bär, bigarråer, tobak och kryddor. Smaken är torr med stor kryddig och kraftfull smak med tydlig mognad med balanserad fat ton och medelhög syra. ...